Inspired By Positive Guidance & Excellence
Precious Treasures is a secured-care center that has been open and successfully teaching children for over 25 years! God has continuously graced our center with a loving, hard working staff. We strive to meet the needs in: physical, cognitive, emotional, and spiritual needs. Our goal is for children to learn how to respect themselves, parents, teachers, and other children.
We hope that in providing proper, positive guidance, we can help give all our children a secure foundation that helps them become the outstanding children, teens, and adults this society needs for the future.
Please feel free to take a tour of our website! You can take a look inside the classroom schedules, our facility, tuition, and read testimonials. Looking for employment or want to enroll your child, check out our applications page.
Have more questions, feel free to call us! (229) 244-4672 or email us at
Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6